Game Scenarios as Life in post-Industrial society

Inventive technocratic masters, true geniuses standing at the crossroads of art and science, striking in their depth of thought and power of imagination, refined beauty, and unusual aesthetics, as before in the history of art, are predicted to become our next Leonardo da Vinci, Jan Vermeer, Vincent van Gogh, Kazimir Malevich, Pablo Picasso, and Andy Warhol, and we invite you to discuss the art of the future here. All new superstars of art are welcome! Discuss trends and ideas that can shape tomorrow with logical, scientifically proven arguments. Our visitors can communicate, complain about speculative and false trends, and demonstrate why something is wrong. Nothing is as stable as science, governments, and super wealth. So all trends and artists supported by science, governments, or the rich club have the potential to become long-term giants in art, equaling or even surpassing such masters as Hieronymus Bosch, Gustav Klimt, Salvador Dali, and Damien Hirst. And if we are talking about new things, we must remember how quickly everything escalates and develops in the Internet age. Kevin Systrom launched the Instagram app only in 2010. However, it is now so active with so many accounts that browsing Instagram has become more attractive than leafing through Pablo Picasso catalogs, more exciting than going to museums, and Instagram is watched worldwide!
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Game Scenarios as Life in post-Industrial society

Post by admin »

Maybe it is a great subject to write a whole dissertation on it. Let's start.
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Re: Game Scenarios as Life in post-Industrial society

Post by Nicholaas »

As soon as our society reaches the top of knowledge in science, art, design, and manufacturing, life will become a computer game-like experience. With life available to live as a choice of computer games in the virtual and real worlds. In future computer games, we will have all stages of evolution available to experience anew, to live from the dawn of times or to start from the bronze age, time of prophets, or medieval times, or to be someone who will observe the whole life on Earth like an epic movie. To live the life of a human or the life of a fish, to enjoy oneself as a giant tyrannosaurus or miniature mosquito. To play as a ruler or prophet, famed gladiator or great painter, chief priest or king of thieves, doctor or scientist. In the future, we will build wonder cities and could engineer new planets and even star planetary systems and be equal to Gods in everything. It appears like there is no alternative to the game scenarios as a way to invest the time of future humans into the enjoyable experience: we cannot speed up and evolve endlessly, once everything is discovered, achieved, cataloged, and there is no joy of new in it. Welcome to the post-industrial world, the world of hyperrealist games. Just like the game Civilisation and Heroes of Might and Magic but on a new, super-realistic level with much bigger possibilities.
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Re: Game Scenarios as Life in post-Industrial society

Post by admin »

We cannot consider these hyperrealist games as art or can we? Art is not a game or a whole life; art i is an outstanding experience standing separately. Or something like even a living world but made for temporary observation. Hyperbolized, grotesque, made artificially with purely aesthetic goals for joy, but not for practical use.
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