The country made for People and ruled by Law and only Law can lead

This is a forum about how US Democracy and people's freedom, which permit significant leadership in science and technology, can continue to peacefully lead the World to a supreme future of educated life in wealth, respect, and individual independence. This forum is about how the military can protect peace instead of escalating conflicts and, instead of punishing weaknesses, gradually educating and uniting this planet.
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The country made for People and ruled by Law and only Law can lead

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The United States, like all other countries, has troubles. What should be American capitalism in the age of AI and advanced robots: when millions of jobs will be taken from people and no longer necessary? What will the country do, to employ everyone in the military? Create artificial phony jobs and ghost cities? And let leftovers be homeless in growing numbers? Let the military go to dust engaging with Russia for example, or we will see the rise of pragmatic scientific socialism: to rule the country, to save people, to provide Universal Basic Income and Universal Complete Education, and agree, that when robots can satisfy all needs of the population, population no longer has to be crazy with the jobs and corrupted covering how this thousands and thousands are made. Some jobs will probably remain, but it could be 1-3 days a week, no more.

We expect the best from America, we expect rationality, leadership, and peace. We saw too many wars. Computer virtual reality with full sensory experience could provide wars to those in need of this experience. Let's make the future bright and satisfying instead of destroyed and polluted!
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