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Game Scenarios as Life in post-Industrial society

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2024 8:45 pm
by admin
Maybe it is a great subject to write a whole dissertation on it. Let's start.

Re: Game Scenarios as Life in post-Industrial society

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2024 10:23 pm
by Nicholaas
As soon as our society reaches everything in science, art, design, and manufacturing, the future will become governed by living upon game scenarios in the virtual and real worlds. In new physical reality, we will have all processes of evolution available to live anew, as nothing was previously, to live from the beginning or to start from the bronze age, time of prophets or from medieval times, or to be someone who will observe the whole like an epic movie. We could invent new planets and star planetary systems and be total Gods in everything. It appears like there is no alternative to the game scenarios: what for to live speeding up and evolving endlessly if everything is discovered, achieved, cataloged and there is no joy of new in it? Welcome to the post-industrial world. This is all. I cannot add anything more essential to this forum.