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The Niertismus Philosophy is Against Death Penalty

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2023 4:37 pm
by Nicholaas
In my opinion, the death sentence has no right to exist in the developed countries. If someone's life was taken by a crime, the only fairly acceptable compensation would be to return this life. I think, that people should be sentenced to life in jail, or life in jail until they will learn how to resurrect or reanimate the dead or learn what happens to life if it's taken. If new birth and growth are already achieved, criminals must compensate certain monetary fines to provide the victim with the full ability to recover their previous life and return their previous material possessions. It should be done through scientific research of near-death experiences, in which criminals should be given the choice to co-participate. Maybe it's an overly sci-fi-sounding idea, but I firmly believe, that science time to crack the mystery of death is already come.