Solar-cell-covered clothing is our greener future

Introduced here is Nicholaas Chiao's idea of a new world-dominating religion. Niertismus envisions the purpose of the existence of humans as a sinless, harmless life. Sanity and Wealth, physical and chemical joys, and competition are satisfying life experiences. Niertismus promises to deliver them all! Niertismus encourages people to strive for infinite life at the expense of using clean, ethical, renewable, or artificial energy sources. Niertismus sees the human of the future as someone wearing clothing with a surface of solar batteries made to support oneself with electricity and consuming 3D-printed food produced without animal and plant cruelty. In Niertismus, a person can commit mistakes, but they must remember and correct these wrongdoings to achieve endless life and a higher state of being. According to Niertismus, one mistake causes another error; aggressiveness provokes response aggression; your wrongdoing evokes wrongdoing toward you by someone else. To achieve a higher state of being, one must commit as few mistakes, crimes, or sins as possible and, as a result, enjoy longevity and wealth.
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Solar-cell-covered clothing is our greener future

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The idea of incorporating grids of solar cells into wearable clothing. In hats, coats, dresses, jeans, umbrellas. Potentially multi-layered transparent solar cells will be quite efficient. Energy will be used to charge smartphones and laptops or process stem-cell-based food growth. I believe the solar clothing is our future.
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